Winloss analysis depends on timeliness and accuracy. In this process you interview your customers after the sales event to find out why. In winloss analysis, ellens tiptotail approach is the most comprehensive and objective treatment i have ever seen of this competitive discipline. Winloss research usually phone interviews with buyers using openended questions winloss analysis parsing of the. It provides actionable data to modify processes and improve win rates. A winloss analysis is the study of what activities or messages contribute to a closed sale, and which resulted in a rejection. A win loss ratio is calculated by dividing the number of won sales deals by the number of lost sales deals. It offers a practical, highly targeted, and easy to implement. Winloss analysis is my favorite tactical cooperative intelligence ci practice. Our methodology includes gaining a deep understanding of your business, designing smart survey.
Win loss analysis powerpoint 2015 linkedin slideshare. Secondly, decide how often to conduct winloss analysis. Human nature in sales, of course, typically motivates rapid. Getting this analysis right is crucial to your teams ability to improve. The experience must be recent enough for the buyer to remember the process clearly, but far enough through the implementation cycle to collect. Use this tool to track your competitive wins and losses. Every effective winloss program surveyed uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect information. Here are just some of the things you can learn from a win loss analysis. This drive to learn from every opportunity will lead them to conduct careful analysis along the way. Winloss is an ongoing, systematic analysis of why a companys deals are won or lost. Use professional researchers who are skilled in developing and implementing a comprehensive and unbiased research plan.
In most cases, its more about your salespeople than it is your products. Win loss analysis is my favorite analysis technique as it improves our clients win rates, every time. Selling teams often struggle with analyzing enterprise wins and losses. This whitepaper explores how to implement a successful winloss program guaranteed to increase a sales teams new business win rate.
If you lost the deal, it feels like youre taking it upon yourself to rub your nose in your own defeat. A winloss analysis is one of the most critical analyses that a product marketer can create to benefit their teams. The experience must be recent enough for the buyer to remember the process clearly, but far enough through the implementation cycle to collect intel on the entire processespecially in the case of a loss. Winloss analysis is a process whose output helps improve products and develop better sales. Sales pipelinefunnel management template with win loss. No winloss analysis experience required brief interviews designed to maximize insight in. Not effective, 30% moderate ly effective, 42% effective or highly. According to a study by aberdeen group, companies that conduct win loss analyses have higher retention rates, lead conversion rates, and annual revenue growth versus companies that dont despite this, less than 20% of companies actually conduct win loss analyses. Win loss analysis is a forensic market research exercise that focuses on deconstructing how companies market and sell their products and services from the prospects. Learn how to conduct win loss and what quantitative and quantitative. Proposal winloss analysis the winloss survey can help you learn more about your customers needs and discover the root causes of what is driving your customers service provider selection. Understanding the wins and losses will help in improving the future deals, aligning. Savvy sales managers want to know the reasons behind both success and failure.
To do this, just select the binary data 1 for win, 1 for loss and go to insert sparklines. Then you need to interpret both quantitative and qualitative data in a systematic way. Sales winloss analysis dedicated project manager full service professional interview design and execution. Compete2win specializes in executing win loss analysis tied to your most important strategic sales, marketing, and product priorities. Winloss analysis is a gem because there are so many benefits for marketers. Win loss analysis depends on timeliness and accuracy. With winloss analyses, your team of sales professionals gains an indepth understanding of why they won or lost a particular engagement using the most useful intelligence available. The truth about winloss analysis by taylor burke salespop. It helps you understand why your sales team is securing or losing deals, your companys position in the. What external or internal factors influence our customers purchasing decisions.
Winloss research not only provides a valuable source of competitive. This whitepaper explores how to implement a successful win loss program guaranteed to increase a sales teams new business win rate. The book is available as a hardcover, paperback or ebook on amazon. Winloss analysis is a methodology by which a company can examine and better understand why some sales are won while others are lost. One reason companies dont undergo win loss analysis very often is its associated price tag. At the most basic level, win loss analysis helps sales, marketing, and product leaders understand the reasons for their organizational wins and losses so that they can increase their win rates and capture.
Use our win loss analysis template to track your competitive wins and losses. How to set up a strictly datadriven win loss analysis. Win loss analysis definition anova consulting group. Her strength as a qualitative research analyst is in her indepth interview skills with stakeholders at all levels in. A winloss analysis will also reveal the varied buying habits, challenges, and adoption rates of customers competitors customers, and mutual prospects. Ellen naylor is one of americas pioneers in competitive intelligence and win loss analysis. Proposal winloss analysis industry standard research. The analysis tab will allow you to track your wins and losses by prospectcustomer, industry, productprogram, close date, amount. With win loss analyses, your team of sales professionals gains an indepth understanding of why they won or lost a particular engagement using the most useful intelligence available.
A winloss analysis is a method to understand why a certain sales deal passes and a certain deal fails. The effective winloss analysis by brian sullivan salespop. Winloss analysis part 2a process for taking revenue up. In the 2017 fletchercsi global survey on winloss, the majority of. Our winloss analysis uses data that our team has collected directly from your buyers and prospects. For users of the system incorporating the win loss analysis at the end of the opportunity lifecycle the opportunities are automatically moved to the win loss analysis. The power of a winloss analysis sales benchmark index.
Winloss analysis part 2a process for taking revenue up a notch by laura patterson this is the second part of a twopart article about using winloss analysis to bolster revenue. This weeks blog gets to the heart of the process, the interview segment, which. For winloss analysis to work, organization personnel must be openminded to the entire process and winloss analysis must be done in a timely and objective manner. The analysis tab will allow you to track your wins and losses by prospectcustomer, industry, productprogram, close date. During 2015, bi sources ellen naylor and author behind. Stop wasting your time and money and try win loss analysis with a purpose. Winloss analysis is a powerful research technique that should be used by product managers to get insight on product and used by product marketing to get insight on promotion. And armed with such knowledge, it should be possible to map a. You can gain insights and early warning signals about all of these things by doing ongoing winloss analysis. By leveraging a thorough and repetitive winloss analysis framework, you gain the insight to reinforce behavior most likely to help. Recognized as an industry leader in win loss analysis, 1 st resource has conducted thousands of win loss interviews across more than a dozen industries. Conducting interviews and collecting data can help your entire organization improve customer acquisition and retention strategies and grow the business. Deb risden has a background in human resource management, operations and marketing.
Conducting this type of research and analysis inhouse can lead to a series of problems. It helps you detect problems, understand the market, and stay close to the competition by listening to. Learn about win loss analysis and how it can improve your win rate. It is a process for differentiating why one sales effort wins, and others fall short of the mark in order to adjust goto. In excel 2010, microsoft introduced winloss charts. Most marketing professionals refer to prospect postdecision interviews as win loss analysis. Winloss analysis is not a customer satisfaction study. Winloss analysis strategy research sis international. Win loss analysis studies past sales deals to give you insights into what really resonates with buyers.
First, marketing is helping sales and this earns marketing trust points from sales. It offers a practical, highly targeted, and easy to implement solution that can pay huge dividends over time for any company. To both, and also to consultants who want to add winloss analysis to their portfolio of services. However, the greatest misbelief about such an analysis is that it is a definitive means of securing the reality of why a vendor won or lost a competitive sales cycle. Winloss analysis capture key buyer insights at the point of decision. How to do a win loss analysis with examples and resource links. A win loss analysis will also reveal the varied buying habits, challenges, and adoption rates of customers competitors customers, and mutual prospects. In last weeks blog, we gave you a highlevel overview of the importance of conducting a winloss analysis. Her passion for the topic stems from her extensive sales experience.
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